Baylor Recruiting - Augmented Reality

Baylor University wanted to increase enrollment of prospective students at college fairs. We created an experience that lets fair visitors tour Baylor virtually through augmented reality.
Students walked through virtual doorways that appear in the physical space. Inside they experienced a world of Baylor events like football games, the homecoming bonfire and the black bear enclosure. They could even look back through the doorways to see world they left.

If you like case studies with behind-the-scenes footage, check out this video.

If you’d prefer to just see the experience, well you’re in luck:

So, how did we do it?

We teamed with Groove Jones and took 360º video around campus, then captured volumetric video of Baylor President Dr. Livingstone and Bruiser the mascot to welcome guests into the portals.

Inside the football portal:

Inside the bonfire portal:

Bonus footage of the bear enclosure. Danger!
